Friday, August 17, 2012

YouTube Friday: Woman Pepper Sprays Children To Get Xbox 360 On Black Friday 2011

Today's edition of YouTube Friday, which was found on MegaMrBeautiful's YouTube channel, is something I thought about as I was leaving Wal-Mart after doing some shopping this week. I began thinking about Black Friday after seeing a police car parked out in front of the Wal-Mart I went to, and all the craziness in and around big box stores. The incident shown here was from last year's Black Friday madness, when a lady had a can of mace with her and sprayed her way to get what she wanted. Sometimes, I wonder what gets into people when they want something. What's the craziest thing you've seen someone do to get something?

Monday, August 13, 2012

Honorary Parrothead

Honorary Parrothead
Originally uploaded by femaletrumpet02
This picture has become one of my favorites. It's of the Detroit Tiger in his Jimmy Buffett Concert T-shirt on August 4, 2012. Many "Parrotheads", as Jimmy Buffett fans are called, took pictures with him. You see the Tiger dressed in everything from a Red Wings jersey (most recently for the 2013 NHL Winter Classic) to a Carhartt Jacket in the winter. I enjoy stopping by during the year to see what the Tiger has on, if anything.

Friday, August 10, 2012

YouTube Friday: Black and Blue Trailer

Today's YouTube Friday Entry is from MBMKruger's YouTube Page. It's about a new documentary about the friendship between Willis Ward and President Gerald Ford when they were both students at the University of Michigan back in the 1930s. I found out about this documentary after reading this article in the Detroit News from August 9, 2012. It talks about the football game in October of 1934 between Michigan and Georgia Tech, and Willis Ward was benched because of his race. I learned a lot from reading about the article, and I hope to watch the documentary. It really is  telling about how things were back in the days, and I hope that people can learn from what went on then.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Learning of a War Hero

General Alexander Macomb
Originally uploaded by femaletrumpet02
This statue of Maj. Gen. Alexander Macomb, donated by the Michigan Soc'y of the Daughters of 1812, stands on Washington Boulevard in Downtown Detroit. According to the Congressional Cemetery's website (, Gen. Macomb was born in Detroit in the 1780s, and was in the War of 1812. He died in 1841. I also did some research on the Daughters of 1812, the group who donated the statue. According to their website (, they were founded in 1892, for descendants of 1812 veterans, and are currently commemorating the war's bicentennial this year.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Slurpee Buses, or Rolling Ads

 I've noticed these Slurpee buses around town recently, and I thought that these were pretty cool. I'm just wondering if these are on any other city's buses, subways, trolleys or streetcar. The first picture was taken this past Saturday, and the other was taken in early June. I like seeing the shrink wrapped buses from the outside, but they're a pain in the neck to ride on, because you can barely see out the window when you're trying to get somewhere. What are your favorite shrink wrapped vehicles. My personal favorites were the Pepsi "Optimismmmmm" People Mover back in 2009, the Metro PCS People Mover these past couple of years, and this Slurpee Bus, shown here.
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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Detroit Institue of Arts

This picture of the Detroit Institute of Arts is one of my favorites taken this past Weekend. I was leaving the main Library after doing some research, and was about to catch the bus downtown for lunch. The DIA is one of the top locations for locals and for Tourists alike. Reading about their history on the DIA's website, I see that the present building was built in the 1920s, and has many amenities, such as an auditorium and a research library. I remember coming here with my Mom and Dad when I was a kid and a teenager to take in new art exhibits. I noticed as I was doing my family History that my Mom had her dance recital here in the mid 1950s. Many civic and charitable organizations have their events here. One that comes to mind is Bal Africain, which focuses mainly on African Art. The last time I was here was back in either late 2007-2008, when the DIA reopened after a major renovation, and the public was afforded free admission. My favorite exhibits were of American and European art, as well as Religious art.
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Friday, August 3, 2012

YouTube Friday: Skating on a January night

In this hot weather we've been experiencing here in the midwest this summer, I decided to have some cool relief, if only in Video form, for this week's YouTube Friday. This video was taken at Campus Martius Park in Downtown Detroit on January 5 of this year. Skating under the lights is one of  my favorite things to experience in the winter here in Detroit. The skating rink is open from around Thanksgiving to Mid-March, when it's pretty chilly here in the area. Enjoy, and try to stay cool this weekend!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Cathedral of St. Paul

I ran across this picture that I took while waiting for the bus on Woodward Avenue a couple of weeks ago. This is the cathedral for Detroit's Episcopalians. It's located in Detroit's Cultural Center, near the Detroit Institue of Arts, the Main Branch of the Detroit Public Library, and Wayne State University. Reading about their history on their website,, I see that St. Paul's has been a cathedral for a little over 100 years now. I like the architecture of this Church, especially the spires up front. I have some personal history here, as my aunt and uncle's wedding reception was held here in the mid 1980s.

Maternity Homes

 This building and its past use has been on my mind here recently, as well as the former hospital, behind me as I was taking this picture, n...