I saw these boats this past Saturday as I was riding the People Mover downtown. Seeing these boats remind me of the JW Westcott Mail boat, which brings the mail to US freighters. Check out its website here . I remember seeing the JW Westcott in action when my Dad and I went to the riverfront so dad could stake out a potential spot to go fishing a couple of years ago.
This old store was a former Rite Aid Pharmacy. You can barely see the lettering on the sign above the doorway there. I'm not sure when the store closed. Currently there's a CVS nearby on Woodward, and also at the RenCen, which opened in 2006 and 2008, respectively. I wonder if it'll get an owner sooner or later.
The Industrial-Stevens Building apartments has an interesting design to it. I like the crown up at the top of the building. This building, according to its Wikipedia Page, was built in 1928 and incorporates two styles of architecture. I like to look at all the old buildings downtown and wonder what they were in a past life, whether they were a store, offices, or maybe even a school or a small college.
It's almost that time of year again. I may have posted this picture in a previous entry, but here it is again if I did. The Baseball season officially starts on Sunday evening with the Yankees-Red Sox on TV. The Tigers start play on April 5 against Kansas City. This jacket will be removed by the Home Opener. I think this Carhartt jacket looks very dashing on our Tiger :-D